It is well known that Mr. Mustache can also be tragically female. In fact, over 40 million women in the U.S. are bothered by facial hair. It's definitely a hairy situation, but is a woman who regularly shaves her face in danger of becoming the next bearded lady at the circus?

If you want to learn more about the science behind shaving your face for flawless photos and other secrets to taking prettier pictures, check out Chapter 3 in my new book dedicated to the science and history behind this subject along with nearly 200 color pages of other secrets models know! FACE THIS: Real Advice from Real Models.
Newport Beach plastic surgeon, Dr. Edward Domanskis encourages his female patients to shave their faces to slow the aging process. He says that by removing the top layer of dead skin cells, the exfoliation can result in a tightening and plumping up of the skin through constant cellular rejuvenation. .Dermatology and plastic surgery offices across the country offer a similar procedure of shaving the face that costs hundreds of dollars called derma-planing. Elizabeth Cummaro, R.N. aesthetician comments, “I see a remarkable improvement in my client’s skin after I perform derma-planing, which is almost exactly what shaving does.” See a You Tube clip of derma-planing being done ----->
Embarrassing and seldom discussed, the peach fuzz and faint mustache on a women’s upper lip is not a good look. Shaving is a simple, inexpensive and safe way to remove it. Some may resist saying, “Not by the hair of my chinny-chin chin” but if this model’s best beauty secret gets out, don’t be surprised if your man's razor mysteriously goes missing!
Kat gets a quick shave in a barber shop in Japan ----->
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